News from the Richard C. Adkerson School of Accountancy

Keeping the ASAC Train Running

Mariah McCulloch, often the first face to greet those who come to the Adkerson School of Accountancy (ASAC), keeps the ASAC train running smoothly.

The Eupora native began work on campus almost eight years ago, following in the footsteps of her mom, who was employed at Mississippi State for some 27 years. Mariah started out in Athletics in 2017, handling the payroll and hiring paperwork for the tutoring program. She moved from there to the College of Business Academic Advising Center as Records Assistant.

In 2021, she joined the ASAC team. As Administrative Assistant, she provides support to Director Shawn Mauldin and Business Manager Michelle Bricka, serves as gatekeeper and facilitator for students and others coming to visit faculty, oversees the School’s student workers, aids students in securing needed courses and serves in many other ways. Asked what she enjoys most about her work, her reply is immediate.

“The atmosphere of our office,” she states. “Everybody gets along. We’re serious about our work but joke with each other a lot, and we have each others’ backs. The environment is so good, my daughter has even noticed that I come home happy at the end of the day!”

McCulloch’s daughter is thirteen, and her son is six. Both are involved in sports, so when not at work, mom can often be found “at a ball field somewhere.” She also produces vinyl stickers and shirts for various schools and teams in the area.

And soon, McCulloch will become student as well as staff, having recently been accepted into MSU’s Interdisciplinary Studies program.

In every endeavor, McCulloch finds success in following advice her mother offered when she began work at MSU: “Do your job to the best of your ability, and never tell somebody you can’t do something.”